What is Bare Board

By Bester PCBA

Last Updated: 2023-08-28

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What is Bare Board

A bare board is a printed circuit board that is in its raw, unpopulated state. It is the foundation of a conventional PCB before it undergoes further modifications with through-holes and electronic components. A bare board consists of essential elements such as the PCB substrate, metal coating, conductive pathways, and patterns.

Before becoming a bare board, the PCB undergoes various processes including photo-resist lamination, etching, drilling, solder mask application, and silkscreen printing. These processes prepare the board for the subsequent mounting of components and the creation of necessary electrical connections.

A bare board provides electrical and mechanical support for circuit production. It serves as the base on which electronic components are mounted to create a functional circuit. The distinction between a bare board and an assembled board lies in the absence of mounted components on the former.

Bare boards offer flexibility and versatility, making them suitable for mass production rather than creating unique boards for each specific order. This allows for cost-effective production and efficient assembly processes.

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