PCB 设计

Unlock the Potential of Innovation with our Cutting-edge PCB Design Services

PCB 设计

PCB design is the process of creating the layout and arrangement of electronic components on a PCB. This crucial step in the manufacturing process involves translating the schematic diagram of a circuit into a physical design that can be manufactured and assembled. Our team of skilled and experienced designers utilizes the latest design software and tools to ensure accurate and efficient PCB designs. With a keen attention to detail and a focus on functionality, we aim to create PCB designs that are optimized for performance, reliability, and manufacturability. Whether you require a simple single-layer design or a complex multilayer design, we have the expertise to deliver high-quality PCB designs that meet your specific requirements.

At Bester, we take pride in delivering top-notch PCB Design services to our valued customers. With a team of highly skilled and experienced designers, we ensure that each project is meticulously crafted to meet the unique requirements and specifications of our clients. Our cutting-edge design software and advanced technology enable us to create highly efficient and innovative PCB designs that are optimized for performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. We work closely with our customers throughout the design process, providing constant communication and feedback to ensure their expectations are exceeded. Whether it’s a complex multi-layer design or a simple single-layer board, we have the expertise and resources to deliver exceptional PCB Design solutions that meet the highest industry standards. Trust Bester for all your PCB Design needs and experience the difference of quality and excellence.


Schematic Capture

We can create schematics from specifications, marked-up schematic sheets, or black diagrams and verbal discussions. We accept schematics in any format (PDF, sketch, etc.) and can convert that into preferred CAD format. As part of our process we validate the BOM.

Reverse Engineering

We can take an existing board from a bare board, an assembled board, existing design files and drawings. And we can create a new design with all supporting documentation.

Cost Optimization

We can review an existing product or design and propose methods for cost reduction. In many cases, layer reduction can be achieved by using smaller geometries for conductors and vias and the use of laser-drilled microvias.

PCB Stack-Up Design

Before we start the layout design, we will do an in-house stackup design so that all the design objectives are met. We will also suggest if HDI technology is required or could help in PCB optimization.

PCB Design Tools

We use the standard tools from Cadence, Mentor Graphics and Altium. We can accept a netlist or a partial / fully placed netlist. We can use our library of parts or customer libraries. We can provide. A 24/7 service and our design team can schedule video conferences to support you. We have access to off-shore resources that can work on your design while you sleep.

Signal Integrity Services

We can perform signal integrity services on any high-speed board designs that we make. We will take care of control impedance and crosstalk requirements; we will take care of PCB materials that are suitable to achieve a given set of signal integrity specifications.

PCB Design Capabilities

As a professional PCB and assembly manufacturer as well, we have better understanding of how to design a manufacturable, reliable and cost-effective PCB board than other suppliers.

At Bester Tech, you can enjoy one-stop PCB solution services from PCB design, PCB manufacturing to finished prototype and high-volume PCB assembly devices. Our mature engineering methodology ensures efficient, cost-effective designs, done right the first time.

We offer 2 stage design reviews, either offline or interactive online. PCB designs can be provided using industry-standard PCB design software:

  • PADS (Mentor Graphics)
  • Cadence (ORCAD & Allegro)
  • Altium Designer (Altium)
  • We can take schematics in any form (pdf, sketch, etc.) and convert them into an a electronics proper CAD format.
  • Design rules communicated at the schematic level.
  • Custom footprint design to meet your needs.
  • Compete BOMs and part pricing for each design.
  • Fabrication Drawing, Assembly and Gerber files to meet manufacturing requirements.
  • Rigid/Flex PCB’s; complex board shapes can be created.
  • Complete Schematic drawings
  • PCB layer stack drawings.
  • Complete 3D PDF files
  • Fabrication files (Standard format is Gerber Extended; Gerber X2, ODB++, IPC-2581 available upon request)
  • Rout and Drill files
  • Assembly drawings
  • Pick and Place files (Centroid Data)
  • Fabrication specifications (Layer Stacks, Drill Tables and Drawings, etc.)
  • Complete Bill of Materials list (BOM)
  • Other customer specified outputs

为什么选择 Bester

工业机器人行业 Svgrepo Com


我们拥有最先进的设施和技术精湛的团队,有能力处理最复杂的 PCB 组装项目,确保高效、准确地制造您的产品。

工人 Svgrepo Com


我们严格的质量控制流程和广泛的测试程序确保我们生产的每个 PCB 组件都符合可靠性和性能方面的最高行业标准,让您对我们的服务放心和充满信心。

蓝图 Svgrepo Com


从 PCB 制作和设计到元件采购和 IC 编程,Bester 在同一屋檐下为您提供全面的服务,简化生产流程,节省您的时间和精力。

Pushcart Svgrepo Com




Bester 的电子制造能力


  • 100% ESD 元件控制装置
  • 8 条 SMT 线
  • 4 个 DIP 线路
  • 40 自动机器人焊接
  • 数控加工
  • 自动保形涂料
  • 注塑成型
  • 三维打印


  • ISO 9001
  • UL
  • SGS
  • IPC
  • RoHS
  • CE
  • 联邦电信交通委员会
  • SRDI(中国 "专精特新 "企业)
  • HNTE(中国高新技术企业)




我们深知 PCBA 在汽车行业中的关键作用。我们提供全面的 PCBA 服务,满足汽车制造商的特定需求,帮助他们提供可靠、高性能的电子系统。


无题设计 (28)


在 LED 市场,Bester 提供一流的 PCBA 解决方案,这对生产高质量的 LED 照明产品至关重要。我们与 LED 制造商密切合作,确保他们的 PCBA 符合能效、耐用性和性能方面的严格要求。




Bester 通过提供广泛的 PCBA 服务来满足消费电子市场的需求,从而生产出创新的、用户友好的电子设备。我们与消费电子产品制造商合作,确保他们的 PCBA 符合最高的质量和功能标准。




在工业领域,Bester 的 PCBA 服务在开发可靠、高效的电子系统方面发挥着至关重要的作用。我们与工业设备制造商密切合作,以满足他们的特定要求,确保我们的 PCBA 能够承受恶劣的环境条件,并提供最佳性能。


pcba 应用

1585662809 Gyhuego Usb 1585662798

自行车灯 PCBA

吸顶式安装占用传感器 Rz036 前部

PIR 移动传感器 PCBA

1585662809 Gyhuego Usb 1585662798


PCB 组装常见问题

您是经过认证的 PCB 制造商吗?

增材制造工艺又称快速成型制造工艺,是指利用加热打印头或激光等123444412312321 装置将各层材料结合在一起。这就是三维模型的精确复制品。

您是经过认证的 PCB 制造商吗?


您是经过认证的 PCB 制造商吗?


你们提供快速 PCBA 服务吗?



