What is Draw

By Bester PCBA

Last Updated: 2023-11-27

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What is Draw

Draw refers to a fabrication drawing, also known as a fab drawing. This drawing serves as a document that provides detailed information necessary for the manufacturing of a PCB. It acts as a communication tool between the designer and the manufacturer, conveying important specifications such as hole locations, sizes, and tolerances, board dimensions, and notes on materials and methods to be used.

The fab drawing ensures the accuracy and quality of the PCB. It provides additional information that may not be included in other forms of communication, such as Gerber files. By including details like the board outline, layer stack-up, and drill chart, the fab drawing ensures that the manufacturer has all the necessary information to fabricate the PCB correctly.

Fab drawing has the reference to the board edge and at least one hole location. This reference point allows for proper alignment with the NC Drill file, ensuring that the drilled holes are accurately positioned. Additionally, the fab drawing may also include symbols and annotations to indicate the drilled holes and link them to the drill chart.

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