What is Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG)
Electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) adalah lapisan permukaan logam lapis ganda yang banyak digunakan dalam industri PCB. Proses ini melibatkan aplikasi lapisan tipis emas di atas lapisan nikel. Prosesnya dimulai dengan melapisi lapisan nikel ke bantalan tembaga PCB menggunakan proses tanpa listrik, yang merupakan reaksi kimia yang terkontrol. Ini diikuti dengan pencelupan PCB berlapis nikel ke dalam larutan emas untuk menyimpan lapisan emas di atas lapisan nikel.
ENIG provides excellent solderability, ensuring reliable solder joints during the assembly process. Secondly, it creates a flat and smooth surface, making it suitable for fine-pitch components and surface mount technology. Additionally, ENIG offers good corrosion resistance and is compatible with various bonding methods, including wire bonding and aluminum wire bonding.
The application of ENIG requires careful quality management to avoid issues such as “Black Pad.” Black Pad refers to a buildup of phosphorous between the gold and nickel layers, which can lead to fractured surfaces and faulty connections. To ensure the quality of ENIG boards, thorough testing and inspection are necessary at every stage of PCB fabrication and assembly.