Pemrograman IC

Unleash the Power of Your Integrated Circuits with Expert IC Programming Services

Pemrograman IC

IC Programming is a crucial aspect of the printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) process, and at Bester, we specialize in providing high-quality IC programming services to our customers. IC programming, also known as device programming, involves the process of electronically configuring integrated circuits (ICs) with the necessary data or instructions to perform specific functions. This programming ensures that the ICs function correctly and meet the requirements of the end product. Our experienced technicians are skilled in working with various types of ICs, including microcontrollers, memory chips, programmable logic devices, and more. With our state-of-the-art programming equipment and software, we can efficiently program ICs in large quantities, ensuring accuracy, reliability, and quick turnaround times. Whether you need IC programming for consumer electronics, industrial equipment, automotive applications, or any other sector, Bester is your trusted partner for all your IC programming needs.

At Bester, we understand the crucial role of IC programming in the manufacturing and assembly of printed circuit boards. With our state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled technicians, we offer top-notch IC programming services to ensure the flawless performance of your electronic devices. Our team has extensive experience in programming various types of integrated circuits, including microcontrollers, memory chips, and programmable logic devices. We follow industry-leading standards and protocols to ensure accurate programming and verification of the ICs. Whether you require programming for small batch production or large-scale manufacturing, we have the capabilities to meet your specific needs. Trust Bester for reliable and efficient IC programming solutions that will enhance the functionality and performance of your PCBs.

IC Programming, fully Supported

IC programming will be conducted with PCB fabrication, before chips are mounted on the blank PCB board. Our IC programming service supports almost any technology and package in quantities ranging from a small prototype run to large volume production levels. We can provide all commercially available standard sockets, new algorithms as well as specially designed custom sockets. The IC types, IC packages and program file formats we support are listed below,

Device Types
MCU/MPU, EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH, Nand Flash, PLD/CPLD, SD Card, TF Card, CF Card, eMMC Card, eMMC, MoviNand,, OneNand
Package Types
Program Files
Binary, Intel Hex, Motorola S-Records, Tektronix, Extended Tektronix, POF


How We do IC programming?

We do IC programming through programming machine and programmer, which also called writer or burner. This programmer is used for programming programmable IC. With the development of IC programming, nowadays, it supports EEPROM, flash, nand flash, PCD, CPLD and etc. There are 2 kinds IC programming, one is manual and the other is auto. The integration and popularity of programmable IC is getting higher and higher, and China has become a manufacturing factory for electronic products in the world, Shenzhen is of the most demanding area for programmers. 

What’s required?

We provide programming machines but not provide programmers because different semiconductors need different kinds of programmers and there is no strictly speaking universal programmers. If the programmer is provided by us, we also need to customize or purchase online. What’s more, for better intellectual property protection, provided by customers is better. What required in IC programming is programmer, program file, connectors, wires and procedures. Of course, sending us a programming video is welcome.

Mengapa Memilih Bester

Industri Robot Industri Svgrepo Com

Kapasitas Perakitan yang Kuat

Dengan fasilitas canggih dan tim yang sangat terampil, kami memiliki kapasitas untuk menangani proyek perakitan PCB yang paling rumit sekalipun, memastikan produk Anda diproduksi secara efisien dan akurat.

Pekerja Svgrepo Com

Jaminan Kualitas

Proses kontrol kualitas kami yang ketat dan prosedur pengujian ekstensif menjamin bahwa setiap perakitan PCB yang kami produksi memenuhi standar industri tertinggi untuk keandalan dan kinerja, memberi Anda ketenangan pikiran dan kepercayaan diri dalam layanan kami.

Cetak Biru Svgrepo Com

Layanan Satu Atap

Dari fabrikasi dan desain PCB hingga sumber komponen dan pemrograman IC, Bester menawarkan berbagai layanan yang komprehensif di bawah satu atap, merampingkan proses produksi dan menghemat waktu dan tenaga Anda.

Pushcart Svgrepo Com

Perputaran Cepat

Komitmen kami terhadap waktu penyelesaian yang cepat berarti bahwa proyek perakitan PCB Anda akan selesai sesuai jadwal, sehingga Anda dapat memenuhi tenggat waktu produksi dan membawa produk Anda ke pasar dengan cepat.

Klien dan Sertifikasi

Kemampuan Manufaktur Elektronik di Bester

Kemampuan Manufaktur

  • Kontrol Komponen ESD 100%
  • 8 Jalur SMT
  • 4 Garis DIP
  • 40 Penyolderan Robot Otomatis
  • Mesin CNC
  • Pelapisan Konformal Otomatis
  • Cetakan Injeksi
  • Pencetakan 3D


  • ISO 9001
  • UL
  • SGS
  • IPC
  • RoHS
  • CE
  • FCC
  • SRDI (Perusahaan "Khusus, Penyempurnaan, Diferensial, Inovasi" Tiongkok)
  • HNTE (Perusahaan Teknologi Tinggi dan Baru Tiongkok)

Industri yang Kami Layani

Pasar Otomotif


Kami memahami peran penting PCBA dalam industri otomotif. Dengan layanan PCBA kami yang komprehensif, kami memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik produsen otomotif, membantu mereka menghadirkan sistem elektronik yang andal dan berkinerja tinggi.

Jelajahi Sekarang

Desain Tanpa Judul (28)


Di pasar LED, Bester menyediakan solusi PCBA terbaik yang sangat penting untuk produksi produk pencahayaan LED berkualitas tinggi. Kami bekerja sama dengan produsen LED untuk memastikan bahwa PCBA mereka memenuhi persyaratan ketat efisiensi energi, daya tahan, dan kinerja.

Jelajahi Sekarang

Pasar Elektronik Konsumen

Elektronik Konsumen

Bester melayani pasar elektronik konsumen dengan menawarkan berbagai layanan PCBA yang memungkinkan produksi perangkat elektronik yang inovatif dan ramah pengguna. Kami berkolaborasi dengan produsen elektronik konsumen untuk memastikan bahwa PCBA mereka memenuhi standar kualitas dan fungsionalitas tertinggi.

Jelajahi Sekarang

Pasar Industri


Di sektor industri, layanan PCBA Bester memainkan peran penting dalam pengembangan sistem elektronik yang andal dan efisien. Kami bekerja sama dengan produsen peralatan industri untuk memenuhi persyaratan khusus mereka, memastikan bahwa PCBA kami dapat bertahan dalam kondisi lingkungan yang keras dan memberikan kinerja yang optimal.

Jelajahi Sekarang


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