Qué es la sensibilidad ESD

Por Bester PCBA

Última actualización: 2023-12-04

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Qué es la sensibilidad ESD

La sensibilidad a la ESD es la vulnerabilidad de los componentes o dispositivos electrónicos a los daños causados por las descargas electrostáticas (ESD). Es una medida de la facilidad con que un componente electrónico puede verse afectado o dañado por la electricidad estática. La ESD se produce cuando hay un flujo repentino de electricidad entre dos objetos con potenciales eléctricos diferentes, como un cuerpo humano y un componente electrónico.

ESD sensitivity is a critical consideration in the PCB industry due to the potential harm it can cause to electronic components and devices. ESD can occur when humans come into contact with sensitive devices, as the human body and certain clothing materials can accumulate static electricity. This static charge can range from 500 to 2,500 volts, which is significantly higher than the threshold that can cause damage to electronic components.

ESD can also occur without physical contact between the charged object and the PCB assembly. For instance, using ungrounded electrical equipment, placing synthetic materials near electronic circuitry, or creating rapid air movement near electronic assemblies can lead to the accumulation of static charge and trigger an ESD event.

To mitigate the risk of ESD damage, various precautions can be taken. PCB manufacturers and assemblers need to be aware of the ESD Sensitivity of the components they are working with and implement appropriate measures during manufacturing, handling, and troubleshooting processes. This can include incorporating ESD protection devices, using ESD-safe workstations and tools, wearing ESD-safe clothing, and implementing proper grounding techniques.

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